Monday, July 28, 2008

Warrior School Warriorship Way Back Machine Old Pages

Here are some old pages from the Warrior sites a few years back. I hope to post some of the pictures in the future. There are a few synopsis of the Bracelet, which are just awesome to read.

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By Jeffrey Prather

Today's girls suffer the absurdities of liberal, pop culture no less than boys. The lie is just different. This is the great feminist lie of equivalency, that except for plumbing, men and women are essentially the same. ...

By Kevin Eddy

I just awoke from a dream. In the dream, after Taijutsu class, Nantancha'an asked if I remembered "last night." I said no, why? He said something about coming over to arrest my wife, that being without my protection, she had succumbed to evil and her organs of love, creation, and healing had become a "spiraling vortex of blackness and death."...

By William Zortman

The usual response when someone tries to talk sports to a bracelet is politeness, but complete lack of understanding. Although play, as in the hunt game, is common if not brutal, being a bracelet just doesn't incline one to sports and other competition. We're too serious. ...

The full articles are available online as well as in print for Bracelet subscribers.
The Bracelet � 2001 is published quarterly by Warriorschool Press, Box 40775, Tuscaloosa, AL 35404. All rights Reserved. Photocopying, reproduction, or quotation strictly prohibited without written permission from the publisher. Unsolicited material cannot be acknowledged or returned.

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Warriorschool empowers you with the life skills and inner technologies to become a physically, mentally, and spiritually whole human being, and win the battles of life. Today there is little training on how to be a real man or true woman, much less a Warrior or Healer. As a result, our modern society is a chaos of crime, drugs, divorce, and despair.

Warriorschool provides the training to change you and to change the world! A vital person, by his very presence, enlivens the world around him. Warriorschool can help you create that presence and take you farther than you ever imagined!

Warriorschool has been featured on television, in documentaries, and in news and magazines.



. .

Don't miss Initiation's largest and most important event, Initiation Camp 2002. This is an unique opportunity to train with the founder of Warriorschool and Initiation. Initiation students and teachers from America, Europe, Japan, and all over the world will attend. Much of the training is one-on-one and highly personal.

Be sure to check the calendar for all upcoming Warriorschool seminars.

You can be ignorant, But become educated.

You can be arrogant, Yet humble yourself.

You can be stupid, Then learn wisdom.

But if you choose to remain Ignorant, arrogant, and stupid, You are lost.

- Jeffrey Prather .

The official journal of Initiation, Warriorship and Healership is now online!

The Bracelet Online

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Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, here I am. Send Me.
Isiah 6:8

Well-meaning and dedicated legal and medical professionals can treat only the symptoms of society's ills. Warriors and Healers go to the source.

We deal with souls.

After intense training, through selfless service, allowing the God force to flow through them, Warriors oppose evil and Healers rescue those ravaged by it.

If you feel oppressed or under attack, or find your loved ones in need, call us.

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Close Quarter Combat (CQC) Video
by Captain Jeffrey Prather , USAR
Price: $39.95 *


1999 Tucson Tai Kai Video
Kukishinden Ryu
Price: $29.95 *

* All items have an additional cost of $4.00 domestic for postage.



Close Quarter Combat (CQC)
For U.S. Special Forces
by Captain Jeffrey Prather , USAR
Price: $19.95 *

2) The Bracelet
The Official Journal of Warriorship, Initiation, and Healership
Price: $25.00 (1 year subscription)

* All items have an additional cost of $4.00 for postage.

Warriorschool Shirts

Warriorschool T-Shirt
"Boys and Girls are born. Women and Men are trained at WARRIORSCHOOL"
Price: $20.00 *

Click on T-Shirt to enlarge.


Warriorschool Polo
Price: $40.00 *

Click on Polo to enlarge.

* All items have an additional cost of $4.00 for postage

If you would like to purchase any of the above items by mail, please send a check (please include postage) addressed to Jeff Prather to:

P.O. Box 14502
Tucson, AZ 85732-4502

For any more details please contact us.

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When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought as a child, and I acted as a child. But when I became a man I put away childish things.
1 Corinthians 13:11

Society is in crisis because grown males and females still act like irresponsible boys and girls!

Unlike all indigenous societies throughout the history of the world, our modern society is the first ever, to not train our youth for the rigors of adult life through rites of passage.

Gangs have sprung up to fill the void, but they are shallow caricatures of the real thing. Not knowing any better, they mistake violence for bravery and replace compassion with callousness. The result is a spiral into despair, domestic violence and divorce that drags society downward.

INITIATION is the answer to the crisis!

INITIATION was founded to restore the tradition of a rite of passage to adulthood in modern society. There is no modern training for man and womanhood -until now!

INITIATION is a unique, intense, training camp that teaches the lost, but vital skills of physical and spiritual adulthood. While open to all ages, the training is traditionally conducted at puberty.

INITIATION draws upon practical, proven, techniques from traditional Native American culture, and allows boys, girls, and often grown adults, passage to adulthood through training and ceremony.

Boys and girls are born, but men and women are trained!

Native cultures have long known that that their children must be formally trained for their roles as responsible adults in society. Society offers driver's licenses, voting rights, and abortions, but no adulthood training, and no defining moment of transition to adulthood. INITIATION does.

INITIATION channels and refines the naturally aggressive male energy of boyhood into the maturity of manhood. INITIATION directs and cultivates the often misunderstood and abused power of girlhood into the true femininity of womanhood. Boys become men, who become protectors instead of aggressors. Girls become women, who in turn become healers instead of dividers.

Men and women are vital to each other, the family, and society!

Both then learn that what native cultures have always known: The roles of men and women are unique and different, and both are essential to the well being of the family. The family, now endangered by symptoms of popular culture, is the basic building block vital to a free, healthy, society. INITIATION is rebuilding it.

No one tells another what to do!

A common thread through Native American culture is individual freedom and responsibility. INITIATION has no dogma and does not preach. Instead, students are offered a series of training experiences through which they discover, and decide for themselves.

Students ritually experience the cycles of childhood, youth, maturity, and old age. Each session is devoted to cycle of life:

Purification - Discovering something worthwhile beyond just the physical, i.e. the non-physical -the spiritual.

Empowerment - Accessing and strengthening the spiritual through practical, physical training.

Impeccibility - Deciding right and wrong. Knowing good and bad. Balancing the spiritual and physical in selfless service.

Quest(Boys)/Vigil Girls) - Integrating all of the training via rite of passage, to a defining moment of adulthood.

All ceremonies are free. All are welcome. INITIATION opposes Evil in all forms.

(Top of page)


The Purification training cycle provides the opportunity to experience the luminous realm and establish a solid grounding in the fundamentals of Initiation. Prepare to discover worlds of untapped potential. Most likely you will learn to see electromagnetic bioluminescence--auras--your first night of training!

The seminar perspective orients from the southwestern American Indian warrior tradition, and while specific sacred rituals will remain inviolate, we will transpose ceremonies as vehicles to approach the inner and outer other worlds, and later their initial integration.


Student's Comments:

"The training has changed me so much. I am so much stronger. I feel as though I can handle more spiritually, and that I am able to help others and myself in a positive way."

"It would have a wonderful impact on society. We would have people who would be able to help others and themselves. I think society needs this."

"I am feeling renewed physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I thought it would fade after a couple of days, but the feeling just continues."

"This training can have a positive growth impact on society."




The official journal of Initiation, Warriorship and Healership is now online!

The Bracelet Online



The second training cycle is called Empowerment. A warrior is defined by his power and its use. Since time immemorial, the warrior has been most easily recognized by his physical skill and the arms he bore. But any well trained soldier can match such abilities. The true, whole warrior is known for his unique prowess in the spiritual, or luminous realm as well.

During the first intensive you literally saw this luminous power. In this second intensive, you will actually access and utilize this phenomenon. Only by impeccably balancing body and spirit in selfless service does the warrior empty ego and become a ready vessel for God's power to pour through.

The seminar perspective orients from the southwest American Indian traditions. Various indigenous ceremonies will be transposed as vehicles to empowerment. This training is in no way associated with New Age, Wicca, magic, witchcraft, or the worship or fostering of evil. The warrior's sole reason for existence is to oppose evil--everywhere and always!


The third training intensive is Impeccability. This third intensive focuses on beginning to obtain the unobtainable--the elusive impeccability of enlightenment! At your first training intensive, you discovered inner technologies, literally seeing and feeling your own electromagnetic bioluminescence. During your second intensive, you learned to use this new wisdom, strengthening and directing this energy. Now you will begin to distill and combine your gains from purification and empowerment training, and approach the perfect poise of the warrior, balanced between physical and spiritual worlds, on the razor's edge!


The fourth and final Intensive and the conclusion of the Intensive Cycle: Quest/Vigil. Modern society, in spite of its technological advancements, lacks the cultural indices and understanding to mark adulthood and spiritual accomplishment. Through formal rights of passage such as questing, tribal peoples found direction for their lives and the power once considered requisite to marry, to hold office, and to live as an adult. At your first Intensive, you discovered inner technologies, learned to use your newfound wisdom, strengthening and directing these etheric energies. Through spiritual worlds. Now, in this final and most personal venture, you will combine all the skills you have learned throughout the cycle, and challenge yourself as never before!

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